Episode 76
Episode 76
David Perkel (Professor, Washington University School of Med) discusses the homology between the avian song system and the basal ganglia circuit, and the role of motor variability in the adult songbird learning circuit. The nature of cortex and its relation to cortex-like structures in the avian brain are considered.
(Please excuse low audio levels; we're working on it!)
Duration: 32 minutes
Discussants:(in alphabetical order)
Michael Farries (Post-doc, UTSA)
Salma Quraishi (Res. Asst Prof, UTSA)
Charles Wilson (Prof, UTSA)
acknowledgement: JM Tepper for original music.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
David Perkel PhD
Sizemore, M & Perkel, DJ. Premotor synaptic plasticity limited to the critical period for song learning. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Oct 18;108(42):17492-7.