Episode 46
Episode 46
Suzana Herculano-Houzel (Professor, Universidad Federal de Rio) discusses cortical scaling rules across phylogeny, the theory of human cortical expansion in mammalian evolution, and how deceptively simple, almost minimalist experiments have the power to shake dogma.
Duration: 36 minutes
Discussants:(in alphabetical order)
Salma Quraishi (Res. Asst Prof, UTSA)
Jim Bower (Prof, UTSA, UTHSCSA)
Todd Troyer (Asst Prof, UTSA)
Carlos Paladini (Asst Prof, UTSA)
Charles Wilson (Prof, UTSA)
acknowledgement: JM Tepper for original music.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Suzana Herculano-Houzel PhD